Matthew da Silva
Timeline Gradient
Artist and Poet
Matthew da Silva
While you can find more about my career on my LinkedIn profile, I can say here that words and images have always fascinated me. A linocut with the words to Alfred Tennyson's 1830 sonnet 'The Kraken' ("Below the thunders of the upper deep; Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea ...") dates from 1982, which is when I made it. By then I had matriculated from secondary school and, though in my heart of hearts I wanted to be an artist, I enrolled instead at university. In those early years I sat on the margin between the visual and the written worlds. So, this is an artefact from a time when I was looking for ways to express myself. With this type of work you have to carve the image in reverse so that it comes out the right way when you ink an impression on paper. You use a rubber roller to apply ink to the block and then with the back of a table spoon you rub the reverse side of the paper so that the ink is evenly distributed over its surface. I did graduate with a Bachelor of Arts back in the day and then worked in several organisations before I started in PR with a manufacturer of high technology. Eventually, I went back to uni and did a Master of Media Practice and then freelanced for a number of years during which time I wrote stories for different magazines. I wrote stories on commission for agricultural journals, Australian Geographic, entrepreneurism magazine Australian Anthill, Ethical Investor, G Magazine (now Green Lifestyle), Process and Control Engineering, Crikey, National Times, New Matilda, and Global Mail. While it is often rewarding because you learn a lot of things and you get to work with good people, this type of work is hard and time-consuming and the pay is not all that great. I also wrote stories for magazines published by private organisations and did other types of PR work on occasion. Nowadays, most of my writing is poetry. I also make art.

Contact Information

Instagram @matthewddasilva
X (Personal) mattdasilva
X winningthefield
Medium @mattdasilva
The Prose MatthewdaSilva
Facebook matthewdasilva
LinkedIn matthewdasilva

Instagram (Art group) @easternsuburbsartgroup
X (Book reviews) bookchatoz
Facebook easternsuburbsartgroup
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